日期:2020.10.16 点击数:24 来源:暂无【类型】期刊
【作者】 彭香萍
【摘要】为深入认识当今高校新生的心理问题,探究学生辅导策略,本研究用SCL-90对来自全国各地的6619名2004级江西高校新生做深入调查,发现新生群体的心理问题广泛存在,强迫症状尤其严重,并具体分析了心理问题的社会、教育及新生自身等多方原因.还进一步提出了提高自觉性、强化针对性和增强协调性的学生辅导策略.The aim of the research is to get a deep understanding of the psychological problems of freshmen at college and explore the assisting strategies. According to the in-depth research made among 6619 freshmen in Jiangxi province with SCL-90, the psychological problems exist widely among the freshmen, with the obsessive-compulsive disorder particularly severe. The paper analyzes correlational variables like the social, educational and the freshmen's own, and advances the assisting strategies of improving the initiative, stressing the suitability and strengthing the co-ordination.
【作者单位】萍乡高等专科学校心理技术应用研究所 萍乡
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