日期:2020.10.16 点击数:12 来源:暂无【类型】期刊
【作者】 谢武纪
【摘要】社会知识的转型、产业结构的调整及创新型人才的吁求是推动当今大学课程策略实现创新的时代动因.计划思维是影响大学课程改革实效低下的最主要原因,是造成社会需求和人才培养结构性失衡的始作俑者.要实现大学课程策略创新,需要三个维度的转型,即重心转型、结构转型和动力转型.The motivations of the strategy innovation of modem china university curricula is the transformation of so- cial knowledge, the adjustment of industrial structure and the appealing of the innovative talents. The plan thinking is the main reason leading to the bad effect of the reform on university curricula. To realize the university curricula strategy inno- vation, focus transformation, structure transformation and impetus transformation are essential.
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